Becoming consciously aware
We do not often give it much thought, why do we think the way we think or behave the way we do?
We may believe we react to our external world, influenced by what happens and are made to feel a certain way by the actions of others.
Many of us do not realise that it is our unconscious which is the driver for many of our thoughts, feelings and actions. In fact, these are predetermined responses due to our past experiences.
The first 7 years of our life we are like sponges, taking in information from our experiences and laying down the foundations for our templates through which we view the world. But it doesn’t stop there. Our unconscious continues to record and create templates of our experiences and storing them for us to draw upon in the future. These deeply imbedded templates are filters which you live life through and influence our perception. They also have a role in the habits and beliefs we hold.
These can be positive and help you to move through life more easily. It is useful for us to have these templates running 95% of the time as it saves us valuable energy. When we get up in the morning many of us run on autopilot. We switch off our alarm and get out of bed on the same side as usual. We go to the bathroom and turn on the light. We brush our teeth and shower in much the same way every day. We do not have to consciously plan our routine at the start of every day.
Our templates we work from are helpful to us at the time, in the environment we were living in. However, as we grow and move on, there may be a template that is colouring your judgement and can be causing you a problem.
An example may be that as a child you struggled to read aloud in class and were teased. The experience may have seemed innocuous to some at the time, but it left a template in your unconscious. Your unconscious noted; speaking publicly leads to shame, it was a negative experience and so to be avoided. You find in the here-and-now that you become tongued-tied and frozen when having to speak up in a meeting at work or asked to do public speaking.
You may not always know where your templates first occurred. The programming may be just part of how you live your life now, that you do not even question it. But the old programs running may be the very thing that is stopping you from having the mental or physical wellbeing you desire.
The exciting news is it can be changed!
By tapping in and noticing, you gain the knowledge about how you are functioning today.
It provides you with a choice point- do you want to change it?
To find out more, look out for my blog on ‘Is it possible to change?’.